

typedef enum {
} OmfLocation;

Defines what part of the geometry an attribute is applied to. The documentation of each geometry includes what locations are valid for it.


The attribute contains one value for each point, vertex, or block corner.
The attribute contains one value for each line segment, triangle, or block. For sub-blocked block models that means parent blocks.
The attribute contains one value for each sub-block in a block model.
The attribute contains one value for each sub-element in composite.
Used for projected textures. The texture is projected onto the element.
Used for category sub-attributes. The attribute contains one value for each category.


typedef struct {
    const char *name;
    const char *description;
    const char *units;
    size_t n_metadata;
    const OmfValue *metadata;
    OmfLocation location;
    const OmfArray *boolean_data;
    const OmfArray *vector_data;
    const OmfArray *text_data;
    const OmfArray *color_data;
    const OmfNumberData *number_data;
    const OmfCategoryData *category_data;
    const OmfMappedTexture *mapped_texture_data;
    const OmfProjectedTexture *projected_texture_data;
} OmfAttribute;

Contains attribute data and defines how it is applied to an element. Exactly one data pointer must be non-null, defining the type of the attribute.


name: const char *
Attribute name, which should be unique within the containing element.
description: const char *
Optional attribute description or comments.
units: const char *

Optional attribute units, if applicable. OMF does not currently attempt to standardize the strings you can use here, but our recommendations are:

  • Use full names, so "kilometers" rather than "km". The abbreviations for non-metric units aren't consistent and complex units can be confusing.
  • Use plurals, so "feet" rather than "foot".
  • Avoid ambiguity, so "long tons" rather than just "tons".
  • Accept American and British spellings, so "meter" and "metre" are the same.
metadata: const OmfValue *
Pointer to an array of n_metadata metadata items, forming a set of key/value pairs.
n_attributes: size_t
Number of attributes.
location: OmfLocation
Defines where on the containing element this attribute is attached.
boolean_data: const OmfArray *
Boolean array containing true/false/null data. Applications that don't support three-valued logic may treat null as false.
vector_data: const OmfArray *
Vector array. Items are nullable.
text_data: const OmfArray *
Text array. Items are nullable.
color_data: const OmfArray *
Color array. Items are nullable.
number_data: const OmfNumberData *
Pointer to a number-data struct including the array and optional color-map.
category_data: const OmfCategoryData *
Pointer to a category-data struct including the index array, plus category names, optional colors, and sub-attributes.
mapped_texture_data: const OmfMappedTexture *
Pointer to a mapped texture struct.
projected_texture_data: const OmfProjectedTexture *
Pointer to a projected texture struct.



OmfAttribute omf_attribute_init(const char *name, OmfLocation location);

Initializes or resets an attribute struct.


typedef struct {
    const OmfArray *values;
    const OmfContinuousColormap *continuous_colormap;
    const OmfDiscreteColormap *discrete_colormap;
} OmfNumberData;


values: const OmfArray *
Number array. Can have 32- or 64-bit floating-point, 64-bit signed integer, date, or date-time type.
continuous_colormap: const OmfContinuousColormap *
Optional continuous colormap. Only one of continuous_colormap and discrete_colormap may be non-null, or both may be null.
discrete_colormap: const OmfDiscreteColormap *
Optional discrete colormap.



OmfNumberData omf_number_data_init(void);

Initializes or resets a number attribute data struct.


typedef struct {
    const OmfArray *values;
    const OmfArray *names;
    const OmfArray *colors;
    const OmfAttribute *attributes;
    size_t n_attributes;
} OmfCategoryData;

Describes a category attribute.


values: const OmfArray *
Index array into names, colors, and other attributes. Indices are nullable.
names: const OmfArray *
Name array for category names or labels.
colors: const OmfArray *
Optional gradient array for category colors. If non-null, must be the same length as names.
attributes: const OmfAttribute *
Pointer to an array of n_attributes attribute structures. Each must use OMF_LOCATION_CATEGORIES and be the same length as names. This can be used to add extra details to a category, such as density on a rock-type attribute.
n_attributes: size_t
The number of sub-attributes.



OmfCategoryData omf_category_data_init(void);

Initializes or resets a category attribute data struct.


typedef struct {
    const OmfArray *image;
    const OmfArray *texcoords;
} OmfMappedTexture;

A texture applied with UV mapping. Typically applied to surface vertices; applications may ignore other locations.


image: const OmfArray *
Image array containing the texture image.
texcoords: const OmfArray *
Texture coordinate array, Values outside of the range 0–1 will cause the texture to wrap.



OmfMappedTexture omf_mapped_texture_init(const OmfArray *image,
                                         const OmfArray *texcoords);

Initializes or resets a mapped texture struct.


typedef struct {
    const OmfArray *image;
    OmfOrient2 orient;
    double width;
    double height;
} OmfProjectedTexture;

A texture that is orthographically projected through space. Use this for maps and section images. The fields define a rectangle in space and the texture is projected in both directions along its normal. Typically applied to surface vertices; applications may ignore other locations.


image: const OmfArray *
Image array containing the texture image.
orient: OmfOrient2
The position and orientation of the texture rectangle in space.
width: double
The width of the texture rectangle in space.
height: double
The height of the texture rectangle in space.



OmfProjectedTexture omf_projected_texture_init(const OmfArray *image);

Initializes or resets a projected texture struct.