

typedef struct {
    const char *name;
    const char *description;
    const char *coordinate_reference_system;
    const char *author;
    int64_t date;
    double origin[3];
    size_t n_metadata;
    const OmfValue *metadata;
    size_t n_elements;
    const OmfElement *elements;
} OmfProject;

The root object of an OMF file.


name: const char*
Project name.
description: const char *
Optional project description or comments.
coordinate_reference_system: const char *
Optional coordinate reference system.
units: const char *
The spacial units used for positions and distances within this project if they aren't defined by coordinate_reference_system. If no unit is explicitly defined then assume meters.
author: const char *
The name or email address of the creating person.
date: int64_t
The creation date and time, in microseconds since the 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z epoch.
origin: double[3]
An offset to apply to all locations in the file.
n_metadata: size_t
Number of metadata items.
metadata: const OmfValue *
Pointer to an array of n_metadata metadata items, forming a set of key/value pairs.
n_elements: size_t
Number of elements.
elements: const OmfElement *
Pointer to an array of n_elements elements.



OmfProject omf_project_init(const char *name);

Initializes or resets a project struct.