The JSON index within the OMF file is specified using a JSON Schema. Below are links to all of the objects within the schema, with their documentation.

  • Project is the root object.
    • Element stores the name, geometry, attributes, and other details of one object.
      • Geometry picks from points, lines, surface, etc.
        • PointSet describes a set of points.
        • LineSet describes a set of straight line segments.
        • Surface describes a triangulated surface.
        • GridSurface describes a 2D grid surface.
          • Grid2 defines the grid, regular or tensor.
          • Orient2 gives the position and orientation.
        • BlockModel describes a block model.
          • Grid3 defines the grid, regular or tensor.
          • Orient3 gives the position and orientation.
          • Subblocks describes sub-blocks within each parent block.
            • SubblockMode further restricts sub-blocks to octree or fully sub-blocked.
        • Composite contains other elements under a single name.
    • Attribute stores data that is attached to an element.
  • Array points to an array or image file in the archive.