

An opaque pointer used for creating nested structures in an OMF file. Many OmfWriter functions return a handle that points to the newly created object, while others take that handle and create their new object inside the existing object.

Not all handle types are valid in all places. You'll get an error at run-time if you pass the wrong type. Handles belong to a specific writer and remain valid until omf_writer_finish is called, you don't need to free them yourself and you shouldn't try to use them on a second writer.


The class used for writing OMF files.

Typical usage pattern is:

  1. Create the writer object using omf_writer_open.
  2. Fill in an OmfProject struct then call omf_writer_project to add it to the writer.
  3. For each element you want to store:
    1. Write the arrays and images.
    2. Fill in the required struct with the array pointers and other details then add it to the project.
    3. Repeat for the attributes, adding them to the newly created element.
  4. Call omf_writer_finish to validate the data, finish writing the file, and free the writer.

You can also fill in the OmfProject::elements and OmfElement::attributes arrays all at once, but that will often lead to messy code.



OmfWriter *omf_writer_open(const char *path);

Creates a new writer. The path string must be UTF-8 encoded. The file will be created if it does not exist, or truncated and overwritten if it does.

Returns the new writer, or null on error. Pass the writer to omf_writer_finish or omf_writer_cancel when you're finished with it.


bool omf_writer_finish(OmfWriter *writer, OmfValidation **validation);

Validates the contents, writes the file index, closes the file, and frees the writer.

Validation messages are stored in validation if it is non-null, or written to stdout is it is null. Call omf_validation_free to free those messages.

Returns false on error; the writer is still freed.


int32_t omf_writer_compression(OmfWriter *writer);

Returns the compression level that the writer will use, or -1 on error.


bool omf_writer_set_compression(OmfWriter *writer, int32_t compression);

Sets the compression level that the writer will use. Pass an integer between 1 for fastest and 9 for most compressed, or -1 to use the default.

Returns false on error.


bool omf_writer_cancel(OmfWriter *writer);

Frees the writer without finishing it. The partially written file will be deleted.

Returns false if file deletion fails; the writer is still freed.


OmfHandle *omf_writer_project(OmfWriter *writer, const OmfProject *project);

Copies the contents of project to the writer. All OmfArray pointers inside project must have been previously written to this writer.

Returns the project handle, or null on error.


OmfHandle *omf_writer_element(OmfWriter *writer,
                              OmfHandle *handle,
                              const OmfElement *element);

Copies the contents of element into list elements in the object identified by handle, which can be either the project or a composite element.

Returns a handle to the new element, or null on error.


OmfHandle *omf_writer_attribute(OmfWriter *writer,
                                OmfHandle *handle,
                                const OmfAttribute *attribute);

Copies the contents of attribute into the list the attributes of the object identified by handle, which can be either an element or a category attribute.

Returns a handle to the new attribute, or null on error.


bool omf_writer_metadata_null(OmfWriter *writer, OmfHandle *handle, const char *name);

Adds a metadata item with null value. The handle can be the project, an element, an attribute, or a metadata list or object. name must be a UTF-8 encoded string, or null if adding to a metadata list.

Returns false on error.


bool omf_writer_metadata_boolean(OmfWriter *writer,
                                 OmfHandle *handle,
                                 const char *name,
                                 bool value);

Adds a metadata item with boolean value. The handle can be the project, an element, an attribute, or a metadata list or object. name must be a UTF-8 encoded string, or null if adding to a metadata list.

Returns false on error.


bool omf_writer_metadata_number(OmfWriter *writer,
                                OmfHandle *handle,
                                const char *name,
                                double value);

Adds a metadata item with double value. The handle can be the project, an element, an attribute, or a metadata list or object. name must be a UTF-8 encoded string, or null if adding to a metadata list.

Returns false on error.


bool omf_writer_metadata_string(OmfWriter *writer,
                                OmfHandle *handle,
                                const char *name,
                                const char *value);

Adds a metadata item with string value. The handle can be the project, an element, an attribute, or a metadata list or object. name must be a UTF-8 encoded string, or null if adding to a metadata list.

Returns false on error.


OmfHandle *omf_writer_metadata_list(OmfWriter *writer,
                                    OmfHandle *handle,
                                    const char *name);

Adds a metadata item with empty list value. The handle can be the project, an element, an attribute, or a metadata list or object. name must be a UTF-8 encoded string, or null if adding to a metadata list.

Returns a metadata object handle, or null on error. When adding metadata inside this handle names will be ignored and order maintained.


OmfHandle *omf_writer_metadata_object(OmfWriter *writer,
                                      OmfHandle *handle,
                                      const char *name);

Adds a metadata item with empty object value. The handle can be the project, an element, an attribute, or a metadata list or object. name must be a UTF-8 encoded string, or null if adding to a metadata list.

Returns a metadata object handle, or null on error. When adding further values inside this handle the value names will be used to create a collection of key/value pairs.


const OmfArray *omf_writer_image_png8(OmfWriter *writer,
                                      uint32_t width,
                                      uint32_t height,
                                      OmfImageMode mode,
                                      const uint8_t *pixels);

Writes an image in PNG encoding. This method supports 8 bits per channel, use omf_writer_image_png16 for 16-bit images. The length of pixels must be width * height * mode.

Pixel order is across the top row, then the second, and so on. Channel order is () with the exact channels present depending mode. Don't use any padding or row alignment.

Returns the new OmfArray* pointer, or null on error.


const OmfArray *omf_writer_image_png16(OmfWriter *writer,
                                       uint32_t width,
                                       uint32_t height,
                                       OmfImageMode mode,
                                       const uint16_t *pixels);

16-bit version of omf_writer_image_png8.


const OmfArray *omf_writer_image_jpeg(OmfWriter *writer,
                                      uint32_t width,
                                      uint32_t height,
                                      const uint8_t *pixels,
                                      uint32_t quality);

Writes an image to the OMF file in JPEG encoding. JPEG only supports 8-bit RGB. The length of pixels must be width * height * 3.

Compared to PNG, JPEG encoding will give much smaller file sizes at the cost of reduced quality. It is best used for photos or high resolution scans where the fine detail is mostly noise and PNG encoding would be excessively large. If your image comes from an existing JPEG file then you should use omf_writer_image_bytes or omf_writer_image_file instead; repeatedly encoding will further reduce the quality.

Returns the new OmfArray* pointer, or null on error.


const OmfArray *omf_writer_image_bytes(OmfWriter *writer,
                                       const uint8_t *bytes,
                                       size_t n_bytes);

Writes an image from bytes already in PNG or JPEG encoding.

Returns the new OmfArray* pointer, or null on error.


const OmfArray *omf_writer_image_file(OmfWriter *writer, const char *path);

Writes an existing PNG or JPEG image file. The path string must be UTF-8 encoded.

Returns the new OmfArray* pointer, or null on error.


const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_bytes(OmfWriter *writer,
                                              OmfArrayType array_type,
                                              uint64_t item_count,
                                              const char *bytes,
                                              size_t n_bytes);

Writes a previously compressed Parquet array. Useful if you want to use an alternative Parquet implementation, or if you're copying arrays from one file to another. Check for the OMF file format documentation for the Parquet schema that each array type much match.


const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_scalars64            (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const double *values,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_scalars32            (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const float *values,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_vertices64           (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const double (*values)[3],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_vertices32           (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const float (*values)[3],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_segments             (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const uint32_t (*values)[2],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_triangles            (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const uint32_t (*values)[3],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_names                (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const char *const *values,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_gradient             (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const uint8_t (*values)[4],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_texcoords64          (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const double (*values)[2],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_texcoords32          (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const float (*values)[2],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_boundaries_float32   (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const float *values,
                                                       const bool *inclusive,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_boundaries_float64   (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const double *values,
                                                       const bool *inclusive,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_boundaries_int64     (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const int64_t *values,
                                                       const bool *inclusive,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_boundaries_date      (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const int64_t *values,
                                                       const bool *inclusive,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_boundaries_date_time (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const int64_t *values,
                                                       const bool *inclusive,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_regular_subblocks    (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const uint32_t (*parents)[3],
                                                       const uint32_t (*corners)[6],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_freeform_subblocks32 (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const uint32_t (*parents)[3],
                                                       const float (*corners)[6],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_freeform_subblocks64 (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const uint32_t (*parents)[3],
                                                       const double (*corners)[6],
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_numbers_float32      (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const float *values,
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_numbers_float64      (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const double *values,
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_numbers_int64        (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const int64_t *values,
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_numbers_date         (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const int32_t *values,
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_numbers_date_time    (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const int64_t *values,
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_indices              (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const uint32_t *values,
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_vectors32x2          (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const float (*values)[2],
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_vectors64x2          (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const double (*values)[2],
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_vectors32x3          (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const float (*values)[3],
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_vectors64x3          (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const double (*values)[3],
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_text                 (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const char *const *values,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_booleans             (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const bool *values,
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);
const OmfArray *omf_writer_array_colors               (OmfWriter *writer,
                                                       const uint8_t (*values)[4],
                                                       const bool *mask,
                                                       size_t length);

Functions for writing OMF arrays, pulling data from contiguous C arrays.

For nullable types the mask array may be null if all values are valid. Otherwise it should be the same length as the values array, containing true where the value is null or false where it is valid.

Strings here are always nul-terminated. Only a limited set of input types is supported. The iterator API below can provide more flexibility, and avoid copying in some cases.