
typedef struct {
    const char *name;
    const char *description;
    bool color_set;
    uint8_t color[3];
    double opacity;
    size_t n_metadata;
    const OmfValue *metadata;
    size_t n_attributes;
    const OmfAttribute *attributes;
    const OmfPointSet *point_set;
    const OmfLineSet *line_set;
    const OmfSurface *surface;
    const OmfGridSurface *grid_surface;
    const OmfBlockModel *block_model;
    const OmfComposite *composite;
} OmfElement;

Describes an object or shape within an OMF file, and links to attributes that attach data to it.


name: const char *
Element name, which should be unique.
description: const char *
Optional element description or comments.
color_set: bool
Whether color should be used.
color: uint8_t[3]
Optional solid RGB color of the element.
opacity: double
Element opacity, from 0.0 for transparent to 1.0 for opaque.
n_metadata: size_t
Number of metadata items.
metadata: const OmfValue *
Pointer to an array of n_metadata metadata items, forming a set of key/value pairs.
n_attributes: size_t
Number of attributes.
attributes: const OmfAttribute *
Pointer to an array of n_attributes attributes on this element.
point_set: const OmfPointSet *
line_set: const OmfLineSet *
surface: const OmfSurface *
grid_surface: const OmfGridSurface *
block_model: const OmfBlockModel *
composite: const OmfComposite *
Exactly one of these must be non-null. This defines the type of geometry the element has and contains the details of it.



struct OmfElement omf_element_init(const char *name);

Initializes or resets an element struct.