
typedef struct {
    double origin[3];
    const OmfArray *vertices;
    const OmfArray *triangles;
} OmfSurface;

A triangulated surface.

Attribute Locations

  • OMF_LOCATION_VERTICES for per-vertex data.
  • OMF_LOCATION_PRIMITIVES for per-triangle data.


origin: double[3]
An offset to apply to all vertices, along with the project origin.
vertices: const OmfArray *
Vertex array.
segments: const OmfArray *
Triangle array. Each row contains the three vertex indices of one triangle, ordered counter-clockwise around an outward-pointing normal vector. Values must be less than the length of vertices.



OmfSurface omf_surface_init(const OmfArray *vertices, const OmfArray *triangles);

Initializes or resets a surface struct.