
Version 0.1.0-beta.1

Specification and library for Open Mining Format version 2, a standard for mining data interchange backed by the Global Mining Guidelines Group.


This is an alpha release of OMF 2. The storage format and libraries might be changed in backward-incompatible ways and are not subject to any SLA or deprecation policy.

Further, this code is unfinished and may not be secure. Don't use it to open files you don't trust, and don't use it in production yet.

What is OMF

OMF is an open-source serialization format and library to support data interchange across the entire mining community. Its goal is to standardize file formats and promote collaboration.

This repository provides a file format specification and a Rust library for reading and writing files, plus a wrapper to use that library from C.

What OMF Stores


  • Points.
  • Line segments.
  • Triangulated surfaces.
  • Grid surfaces.
    • Regular or tensor grid spacing.
    • Any orientation.
  • Block models, with optional sub-blocks.
    • Regular or tensor grid spacing.
    • Any orientation.
    • Regular sub-blocks that lie on a grid within their parent, with octree or arbitrary layout.
    • Free-form sub-blocks that don't lie on any grid.
  • Composite elements made out of any of the above.


  • Floating-point or signed integer values.
  • Date and date-time values.
  • Category values, storing an index used to look up name, color, or other sub-attributes.
  • Boolean or filter values.
  • 2D and 3D vectors.
  • Text values.
  • Color values.
  • Projected texture images.
  • UV mapped texture images.

Attributes values can be valid or null. They can be attached to different parts of each element type, such as the vertices vs. faces of a surface, or the parent blocks vs. sub-blocks of a block model.

Using OMF

See the getting started page.